message board search on google?


Daemon Poster
there used to be and advanced option in google search to search message boards/discussion/forums.
is it still there? I cant find it

or is there another search engine I can use to search forums?
They removed it a couple years ago. You can download extensions for Chrome/Opera that give you similar functionality though.
They removed it a couple years ago. You can download extensions for Chrome/Opera that give you similar functionality though.

How dare you suggest using another browser other than IE!!! Didn't you see his signature?!

there used to be and advanced option in google search to search message boards/discussion/forums.
is it still there? I cant find it

or is there another search engine I can use to search forums?

You can use google search formatting for specific variables for example to find a lot of my messages you search:

Code: "iParanormal"-or-"Paranormal"
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I know about the individual forum search on google. I use that a lot but I was hoping they moved it and not delete it.
oh well. i guess I have to continue using internet explorer
I know about the individual forum search on google. I use that a lot but I was hoping they moved it and not delete it.
oh well. i guess I have to continue using internet explorer

Have to? No, that's just your choice :p.
and yes I use other browsers I just don't like how they format webpages.
it from the days when I coded webpages before 2000 when other browsers always had crippled formatting and I had to recode the pages over and over every time new versions came out and wanted to do some funky sht with page reendering...
it stuck with me. and I like how IE formats the pages.
plus firefox has that pause for everything you do. and it annoys the hell out of me I'm impatient when it comes to computers. this pc is finally the first pc that can keep up with me clicking through everything without delay.
You know IE is the only browser that DIDN'T conform to web standards, right? FireFox, Opera, others, and (now) Chrome all conformed to web standards...IE was always the red-headed step child that didn't conform, and web developers had to code around IE's quirks...which is why most web developers ****ing HATE IE with a passion. I don't really believe that you were actually a web developer when you say that IE was the one doing things right (because it wasn't).

Nowadays they've gotten better and actually started conforming to standards...but it still has oddities and is still the odd-browser out.
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