Master's Thesis Help

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I was hoping I could ask for some help from other members with regard to a project I am working on for my Master's Thesis. (Information Technology Certification Holders only) - Please continue reading for more info:

I am a Graduate student at the SUNY Institute of Technology in Utica, NY, studying to receive my Masters Degree in Telecommunications. Currently, I am working on my Thesis and am in the process of gathering data for my study. This study focuses on an analysis of the economic impacts of Information Technology certifications and so far I have collected data from several IT Certification holders with regard to their work and salary histories.

At this point I am looking to complete my data collection efforts by continuing to survey individuals with one or more Certifications in the field of Information Technology. With the data collected I am hoping to analyze and distribute information into the Information Technology field that can help professionals as well as educators better understand the Economic Impacts of Information Technology Certifications.

Please assist me by completing a short survey available on my web site. If you are not the appropriate person to complete this survey, please pass it on to someone who can. Also, if you know of any organization/groups that might be interested in participating in my survey please provide me with their info.

The website for my survey is below:

all data returned to me is anonymous
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