Is Fable 3 worth the money?

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Baseband Member
Hey just wondering if Fable 3 was worth the money or if I should wait till it gets lowered and try to get a good deal.
I was a fan of the original and II so I am sure I will like it, but I thought I would get some responses from people who have played it.
Thanks in advance.
simply put no. its very short has litle content. it can be plowed thrue in just one week end. and you can get to the point where youve played everything the game has to offer in just 1 week. the only real replay value that is in it is all the decisions you get to make as a king, but really they only lead to 2 different end results. you want an adventure game that will keep you busy, is assassin's creed brother hood. ive never played the second one so i missed that, but am loving this 3rd installment. they have really turned it into the gta of the middle ages with free running. you can own the entire city alot of gear to collect, and amazingly fun online play. if it isnt your thing then maybe fall out new vegas. but as far as i am concerned fable 3 was just another let down with a bunch of cool features. It almost feels like a kinect game yet it isn't lol.
simply put no. its very short has litle content. it can be plowed thrue in just one week end. and you can get to the point where youve played everything the game has to offer in just 1 week. the only real replay value that is in it is all the decisions you get to make as a king, but really they only lead to 2 different end results. you want an adventure game that will keep you busy, is assassin's creed brother hood. ive never played the second one so i missed that, but am loving this 3rd installment. they have really turned it into the gta of the middle ages with free running. you can own the entire city alot of gear to collect, and amazingly fun online play. if it isnt your thing then maybe fall out new vegas. but as far as i am concerned fable 3 was just another let down with a bunch of cool features. It almost feels like a kinect game yet it isn't lol.

Are you saying AC brother hood has that much content? I LOVED the second AC, I might have to look into this ASAP!
It's a decent game but too short and too overhyped I think.
I suggest you wait for the price to drop, the game will be still there ;)
Yeah, completley agree with all the guys. An overrated game that critics have felt the need to hype up because of the success of Fable I & II. Honestly, Fable III is a shadow of its predecessors. Its only real saving grace is the fact that you get to be king, can merge two spells together and that your weapon develops along with your skill and disposition. However the game content lacks the real spirit of past Fable games, the decisions dont really pull at the heart strings and the game is very shortlived. Overall man, i would wait for it to drop down to around 15, 20 quid. It really isint worth the full pop.
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