Internet Ancient history....

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Beta member
Hey guys,

I was wondering if you know if people actually still use those "free web hosting" sites. You know...... those ones.

I'm not really asking because I was looking into it- I'm more into blogging/twitter instead of maintaining a site- but I wanted to know if it can still be done, or if it's capital-L lame. Do people still make those personal sites with crummy clip-art and tons of ads floating around? Certainly not..... I mean, the mental image that comes to mind upon hearing "Angelfire" is less a hip, young programmer building a cool web page and more a pre-teen me cruisin' the web for Sailor Moon fanfiction circa 2003.

What'cha think?
Wordpress does some decent stuff, it's become easier for even the noobs to make better looking webpages these days. The old days of crappy clipart pages are fading (thankfully), but the ads still remain :facepalm:
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