It was a corporate environment bro . We weren't going to buy several hundred wifi adapters or replacement wireless cards for people. We had a contract with Dell, and a Dell tech came onsite for any work that needed to be done.
People did have their laptops on docking stations with wifi off most of the time. But when they had to take their laptops to meetings, wifi needed to be on to get network resources.
The problem with the graphics was with the board/GPU both. They were Quadro workstation cards as well.
You can't really just "drop in" another GPU either. vBIOS will be different and in some cases won't work properly with the motherboard BIOS without modifying the vBOIS and/or mobo BIOS. I've looked at upgrading my laptop's GPU - and decided it wasn't worth it because of the price of a new card that would benefit me ($500-600 minimum), and possible issues like certain features not working right (or work at all) if I didn't flash to a different vBIOS.
Slow down for a sec read my last post I said it was a suggestion only.
Seriously MAN, if your boss or supervisor gave you go the ahead and limited amount of money to fix all or half the lappys.
I would have looked through the workers list that are needing a laptop daily and fix em up enough so they won't have much of a problem..
If it aint broke for one worker or client thats less money to shell out to fix it.
Also only reason why I asked if the laptops gpu could be taken out.
To prevent a heat issue power issues, if dell allows the laptop to be flashed with a newer bios to allow supported gpus.
I would do so personally, you don't see many laptops you can go into and take out the cheap ass or overly heated gpu card. :/
Why not think about this over time and the next quack job pack of laptops you get don't work.
Think about some ways to turn out the features that are a nuisance and use a better solution.
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