How to backup remote client


Solid State Member
United States
here is my situation which I couldn't handle by far. I am trying to back up one of our remote clients server, to our internal company back up server running Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard.
We are using UrBackup for our internal systems, but with that program there are some issues when try to back up the remote server via internet - it said that the authentication failed, I am not able to find fix for that, so now looking for different software and will be great if it's open source, cause I bet you guys know how the companies don't like to spend money.
So the client used to backing up with NovaNet but since is kinda old I am trying to implement better solution, I looked up Amanda project but it is not user friendly, a lot of commands and seems so harsh to configure. Any ideas someone who has been involved into that, I am trying to find some easy setup and reliable software.
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