How are you spending your days of summer?

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Grandfather of Techist, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Staff member
The South
just sorta wondering how many of you are getting through the summer. What's your daily schedule?

I am the responsible adult... working 9-10 hours, 5-6 days a week, hopping on when I get a break.

So, how about the rest of you?
Sleep two to three hours a night, can't sleep much more from the stress of court and such lately, and rebuilding my engine and tranny on my 97 Intrepid like I do ever other summer.... This year was really bad... Have to replace nearly everything, piston rings, heads, valve covers, intake plenum, several hoses, torque converter, several tappets and push rods alone with the valves, inner tie rod bushings, subframe bushings, new tires, new rims.... And the list goes on, and on, and on. Sometimes I think it may be cheaper to buy a NEW car, but meh, I love mine, and that is how I spend nearly all my time... Even during school, I will go to shop and work on my car....
It's cold. Often raining. When's summer coming so I can complain about the heat?
Working full time and taking summer classes (5 credits) to ensure that I still get adequate state aid for my college education (which is FREE in the rest of the western world, as it should be!). What spare time I have is being dedicated to rebuilding my computer side business, going out with girls, and squeezing in the occasional work out. Summer really sucks after high school lol :) .
Work. Fish. Golf.
Going to get the machine work done on the 429 Ford I have in my carport because I am tired of looking at it. Then buy some beater to stuff it in and see how far I can scorch the tires. Oh, and I'm gonna put a lift on my Jeep and hit the trails. Wait....summer will be over by then...
Its raining, and im getting flooded out of my hose if this rain doesnt stop. Its been heavy rain for about 2 weeks now, with no sign of stopping. Its sub 20 temperatures and doing my head in.
It is about to rain here again. Has been raining for the past week if you count the few drops that fell on Thursday (almost ruined our firenight at the beach. :( )
I wish it would pour here for two weeks, what little rain we had for two days greened the grass up, but now, it is incredibly dry, you walk on it, it won't grow back, so we have to wait for rain so our grass don't die....
Owch. You want somewere imbetween you and us :cool: were geting flooded, and continuous thick cloud with terential rain... the grass gets drowned in amuddy slop, so either way;... they grass dies ! :D
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