High ping in BF2

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Grandfather of Techist, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Staff member
The South
I've been kicked from several servers for having a high ping... which sucks.

Is there anything I can do about it? Reducing my ping, that is.
the farther you are from the hosts server the higher the ping...assuming you have broadband and a good computer, but thats the other cause in a higher ping, so if your on the east coast play on east coast servers and vise versa.
Ah, cuz in counter strike i can actually set the filter when seaching for servers to only give me east coast servers so i dont jump in a server in south east asia lol.

Theres no filters when searching in BF2 ? i only played it for a short time didnt like it to much and i forget what the search looks like atm.
Pause all torrents, close IM clients and browsers, get the old lady off the internet in the other room. :p:D
good point. wont hurt tho. try some servers near you, find the ones your friends play at and go there.
Nothing running but BF2. Only thing going on on the other comp is Folding.
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