Hey, how do you guys wake up early?

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Daemon Poster
Hey, i started school a few days ago, and dam, i have to wake up at 6:30 and that sux, so i was wondering what tactics you use to wake up, i saw this little box thing on TV that it was guaranteed to wake you up and make you not sleepy and stuff, it made some loud noise and stuff but i know the crap on TV usually doesn't work, so hey gimme some advice.. i know if some1 scares you or if you get shocked, like some1 throws a bucket of cold water on your face, then your heart beats really fast and you wake up, but i don't wanna try that :eek:

k, give thoughful answers, don't say something like "poke yourself in the arm or something.. you know ;)
Shop around for a new alarm clock.

Eventually you'll find one that has an alarm that really grates on your nerves. The one I have now makes my wife want to throw up ;-)

It's hard to sleep through...
psht you're lucky you get to sleep in until 6:30

when I was in school I had to catch the bus at 6:20am dude lol

Luckily senior year I was able to drive to school and had open first so I didn't have to get there until 8am
I am sure someone is going to make a scene about this, but I smoke a joint when I walk to school. I honestly HATE getting up early and feel like I am in some weird dream state until lunch nearly every day, however marijuana wakes me up and I've done much better in my morning classes.

Another problem I have is I have trouble sleeping in the first place and cannot fall asleep before 2AM, which poses a problem when I have to get up at 7AM

I don't know what's wrong with me in the morning, I feel like absolute crap, I never eat breakfast and haven't had a bowl of cereal in about four years, I can't eat anything without feeling the need to throw up
I have trouble getting fat. The most "fat" I've gotten was a tubby stomach (just the stomach) and my face. It was terrible. Convinced me to get back into the gym again.. :rolleyes:

I find that I actually "lose" weight when I stop going to the gym. When I was fit, the most I've weighed was 195 lbs. When I stop working out, I go down to like 180 lbs. It's frikkin weird. :rolleyes:. I eat about 5 times a day when I workout though. lol
I get up at 5:00am and sleep at 1:00 am........ Ive gotten used to it
I can't do that anymore, I did the same in highschool, but jeez, I have to have atleast 8 hours of sleep now or I'll feel like crap.

I eat about 2 small meals a day, get crappy sleep and weigh 255, so yeah....bad sleeping and eating habits WILL make you gain weight.

I am sure someone is going to make a scene about this, but I smoke a joint when I walk to school. I honestly HATE getting up early and feel like I am in some weird dream state until lunch nearly every day, however marijuana wakes me up and I've done much better in my morning classes.
I could never stand to smoke weed in the mornings...I liked to wake up for a few hours and once I was nice and awake I'd enjoy a bit....if I did it in the morning it just made me drowsey and feel tired for the rest of the day.

It also generally takes me around 3+ hours before I can eat something, I don't like eating right when I wake up....hell I have a hard time getting to sleep before 5am lol
Wish I could think of the name of it, but there's a robotic alarm clock. You set it next to your bed, it beeps to wake you up then takes off rolling around the room and you have to chase it down to turn off the alarm. You should be awake by then
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