What excites you most about the future?

Honestly speaking I am a total future optimist to an extent but I honestly believe in my own pessimism as well to an extent.

I believe issues like fuel will be solved. Issues like this and other things like the environment that are suffering now, thats just change and striving for your goals as this is the financial based planetary economic monetary world we live in.

Technology will never stop, we know this now and we are only in 2017 AD, in the years 5000 or even 7500, I honestly believe humans will still be around but what I'm curious to know is the Biological evolutionary path we will take. Will we look different, by then will we have moved to a social construct on this planet in stead of a political financial one.

Africa is a perfect example of how greed fuels the world and how people go hungry and do with out water. Were as 1st world country push the envelope with tech and the likes of all medical things considered.

Its just a matter of time before we have printable organs and body parts as a topic of medical science. What I'm curious to know is will we ever have the ability to reverse cryogenic freezing. Manipulate the human mind to such an extent with technology maybe up load our consciousness to an AI technologically enabled piece of hardware.

You see I do think as well their is so many routes and paths we could take to get to were we are going with our race but ultimately all will be covered in the end as thats progress and striving forward. Unfortunately money is a bad thing but but yeah I admit a good thing as well because it pushes people to earn and achieve their goals and develop.

Technology in the future or at least with in the next 100 years.

1. Self Driving Cars.

2. Fully Automated Homes

3. Space Travel for Tourists


4. AI.
UBI most of all. I can only imagine how freeing it would feel to wake up each morning knowing you'll always have food to eat, a place to sleep, and at least enough cash to live with comfort. Rat race gone, 7 days a week free if you really wanted. The general education level would skyrocket too, which would lead to greater chances of faster/better discoveries, which snowballs on and on.

Colonization of another planet or body in the solar system. Best part is you'll likely be alive to see this happen. Hell, some people who watched the moon landing will without a doubt still be kicking when that goes down IMO.
UBI most of all. I can only imagine how freeing it would feel to wake up each morning knowing you'll always have food to eat, a place to sleep, and at least enough cash to live with comfort. Rat race gone, 7 days a week free if you really wanted. The general education level would skyrocket too, which would lead to greater chances of faster/better discoveries, which snowballs on and on.

Colonization of another planet or body in the solar system. Best part is you'll likely be alive to see this happen. Hell, some people who watched the moon landing will without a doubt still be kicking when that goes down IMO.

Love the idea of UBI but just not quite sure how it works in reality. People are competitive, they like to be superior, society has a hierarchy and I don't see how that works if no one is working and everyone has the same basic level of income.
Love the idea of UBI but just not quite sure how it works in reality. People are competitive, they like to be superior, society has a hierarchy and I don't see how that works if no one is working and everyone has the same basic level of income.

Not everybody wouldn't be working. There's still be trades you could be involved with, in particular art where you could still get an income boost.
Love the idea of UBI but just not quite sure how it works in reality. People are competitive, they like to be superior, society has a hierarchy and I don't see how that works if no one is working and everyone has the same basic level of income.

We still need people for the jobs where we can't apply intelligent automation. Eventually tech might become advanced enough to replace even the top tier of skilled workers, but I don't think we need to worry about that one for a while :p also as carnage said, music/painting/dance/etc are also avenues where you can earn more money if you wished, or without having to worry about where money for rent is going to come from you can further your higher education and maybe take one of those top tier jobs.
Still plenty of room for class divide :p all it's really doing is eliminating the very bottom rung on the ladder, that being the homeless/completely-broke/poverty-level rung. All the above rungs are still there, and still just as high over the rest of the pack as they ever were relative to each level.
The possibility that the human race may gain a greater understanding for our reason to be on this beautiful planet. Sadly, it won't be in my lifetime but I am hopeful that those in the future will be lucky enough to find out.
Someone here gave a good thing : teleport but still there is a small question of disassambling and assambling molecules in the right place would not want to end up with my nose on my leg ;).
Personally I would be happy to have a alternative to antibiotics cuz some of them aren't as good as they used to be and they are just devastating to the body.
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