Help on Installing asterisk 1.8

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Hmm, I installed it onto my computer. The binary is in /usr/sbin, which means it can only be run as root. Looks like its just some background server thing. You can read the man page with 'man asterisk'. Looks like by running 'asterisk -c' you get a CLI (command line interface) for the program itself. So I'd guess that there is no GUI. Again I have no idea what this program is or how to use it so I can't really be much help from here.
Thank you for the GUI..

Little help with the

+ +
+ Before the GUI will run, you must perform +
+ some modifications to the Asterisk +
+ configuration files in accordance with +
+ the README file. When done, you can +
+ check your changes by doing: +
+ +
+ make checkconfig +
+ +

the read me file says:
You may install sample configuration files by doing "make samples". Also you
will need to edit your Asterisk configuration files to enable the GUI properly,

1) In http.conf:

enabled = yes
enablestatic = yes

2) In manager.conf

enabled = yes
webenabled = yes

3) Create an appropriate entry in manager.conf for the administrative user
(PLEASE READ THE security.txt FILE!)

secret = thiswouldbeaninsecurepassword
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,config,read,write,originate
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,config,read,write,originate

Where do I make the changes?
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