Half Life 2 Problems

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Solid State Member
I got this game a few days ago and have just now got to installing it on my PC. The thing is, its taking ages to activate. Is this normal?

My system Specs are:

3.0 GHz processor
GeForce FX5500 Graphics (crap i know, but it was my only option)

Anything else?

I think it might be that there servers are full. It says:

Subscription Pending

Your Subscription to Half Life 2 GAme Of The Year has not been completed, because Steam servers are currently unable to process the transaction.

You won't be able to play Half Life 2 Game of the Year untill the subscription process is complete. We are sorry for any inconvienince this may cause. The Steam team is working to rectify this situation, and will notify you as soon as the transaction is complete.


Yes it will take ages. I eventually got it activated and enjoyed it. (you will too) But Counter Strike Source takes such a god **** long time I uninstalled it. Oh and BTW it shouldnt be slow if you have dsl or cable. My sorry *** has dial up.
Well i bought HL2 and i got it mostly for css....the day i got home i was playing both games within 20 min or less

They both installed very fast for me
Same here no probs but I am using DSL... mind you CSS without DSL is not a place you want to be.

Also sometimes the steam servers do get busy i.e. if theres a new patch, just try again later.
I got HL2 the day it came out and got it working in about an hour using dial-up!! I thought that Steam would be really busy on the day that it came out but everything seemed to go like clockwork. I know people have had problems with Steam but I think it's the way of the future. I've already pre-ordered Sin - Emergence and pre-loaded it. Just got to wait till they release it, which I think is in a few days, I'll have to check on Steam. If you've got broadband it shouldn't take long at all, now I've got BB it logs on in seconds. Like MrCoffee said just keep trying and eventually you'll get through but in the mean time check on the Steam website for any infomation, they have a "status" tab which tells you how busy they are or if Steam is offline etc.
Metr01973 said:
hope you enjoy it. HL2 is a pinnacle in PC gaming, in my opinion, the best game ever made.

:umm: not quite, it is passable though but I find it drags in places and the graphics aren't always good.
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