gta double pack

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anyone pick this up? i just got it for my xbox and the first thing you notice is how much clearer it is, and the reflections are much nicer.

Ive been playin GTA 3 & VC since I got hold of it on Friday. They are absolutely SUBLIME!!! Had some controller issues when I first started to play it, but they are still intuitive, and suit the XBOX controller. Also got hold of True Crimes - Excellent game, but for some reason I just don't feel like its better than the GTA's, Theres something missing (or maybe I just haven't played it to death yet!!!)

Lifes great then!!! We've finally got the PS2 elite on XBOX - and its been worth the wait. I suppose life isnt going to get much better until Ninja Gaiden, Fable & (the legendary) Halo 2. But I'd expect the wait is going to be that bit more bearable now!

Its good to play together ;)
I didn't know they released it for the xbox, that's pretty coool.

Well if I didn't have an excuse to blow money I don't have on an xbox before, now I do.
GTA 3/VC have to be two of the best games ever.
ps anyone played manhunt, heard that was cool too
now all we need on xbox is final fantasy and mega man and ill be done with sony forever
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