Googling my name

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Daemon Poster
When I google my name, I get some random dude from another country (his blog). And then some other people.

Now, how do I get my name to be up on the top of the list? How does Google's search algorithm work in this case?
Send them money? That seems to work for everything else.

Seriously though, there might be a connection to $
Get a new name that no one else has? :confused:

When i google my name, i get one result and that is from my high school website. I dont think my school would pay google to put up the annoucments for april 23 or w/e it was. :confused: I dont know how you do it.

EDIT, turns out it was removed. I no longer come up with any results.
I think it also depends on how google rank your site you know the green bar in IE
I'm pretty sure it has to do with how much you pay google, if you aren't paying, it's first come first serve.
That needs heavy seo.
I am lucky enough. My site displays in number 1 when i type my name in google.
Add your name to a page that shows a high google pagerank. If you have the google toolbar installed, you can see the pagerank on all web pages.
Funny story talking about names. I googled "Hitler" once and got about two pages of pictures of Barney. Weird.
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