expandin a wireless network... wirelessly!

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Well i've learned a great deal, but nothing to actually get me up and running. i think i have established its either me or the router, so im gonna first uninstall the nic and put it back in a new slot (apparantly that does do something sometimes!) and if all else fails, format and pray. BTW my ip is being designated automatically by the router/dchp. As for the ethernet cable... im wireless and the only cable is between the modem and the router and i know that is ok because other people are using the net. Crapola... will keep trying.
what is your specific wireless device? also did you install the software for it or are you just using XP's controls? Are you seeing the AP when doing a scan?
my wireless nic is an xterasys (heard of them? me neither) and the router is a netgear WGR614 v1. Actually, i should say something about the scan: when i refresh etc, i never see the router BUT once in a blue moon, it appears and then promptly disappears... it says it must be out of range, but i KNOW this isnt the case because i have been connected for over a month and neither router or computer have moved since. any the wiser? you're all being great help incidentally. just thought i'd say thanks :D
well, first - 900- posts Woohoo...

which card are you using? is it a USB or PCMCIA? Model would be good... as to the scan, there is the problem... has anything changed in your room layouts that might be blocking the signal? Don't think in terms of physical, it's based around Radio Frequency interferance and Electro magnetic interferance.
the only thing that has changed between my computer working and it not working is the addition of one extra person on the network. nothing else has moved an inch!! im a day away from formatting my HDD and i know where it will get me.... NO WHERE!!
Check the router to see if it only was leasing out 3 or 4 ips?
on the network card, do you have the black or white antenna?
er i have a black antenna... does that make a difference? I can't see how to check how many ips the router is leasing at one time, at least not potentially... i can see which mac/ips are connected at one time, but not anything more.
no, it does tell me the model though...
check the Ip scope. It should be in the DHCP config section for the router. It will have something like
What Ip to start with :
What Ip to end with? :
also, check to see if someone setup a mac exclustion or include only table.
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