Email server help

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Solid State Member
i want to setup a e-mail server and instead of having it be @"domainname".com (or . what ever) i want it to be @"my ip address"

can that be done if i have ste up a static IP with my ISP? if so how would i go about setting up the e-mail server software?
Email is pretty much always done by domain name. I don't know what purpose it would serve you to have @IP address. If you plan to actually use this to communicate with people I suggest you get a domain (have it hosted) and set its MX records to your server and then just make sure your server can communicate, and getting a static IP from your ISP is going to be a must, but yea, IP address only domain(sort of) not a good idea for email.
You must have a FQDN.
Section 5 of RFC 2821 says "...a DNS lookup MUST be preformed to resolve the domain name..."
*someone correct me if I'm wrong...

As well setting up rDNS/PTR record should be considered a must. SPF is also nice to combat against spam on your behalf.

Static IP for email is a MUST.
Dynamic IP blocks are blacklisted like crazy and you'll be on a blacklist within' minutes (if your dynamic IP already isn't...and more than likely is).

For email servers...
Microsoft Exchange, Open Xchange, Lotus all have solutions that require loads of $$$
MDaemon is probably your best bet for the free alternative.

And of course...port 25 very well could be blocked by your ISP anyway, resulting in having to purchase a more expensive Business Internet package.
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