Do you like the windows XP theme?

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Lots of people call the theme "teletubbies xp", I am a linux/open source fan, but yet I disagree with the teletubbies statement, just because it's colourful and 3d and not all "nerdy" doesn't mean it's a teletubbies os, and I myself am a hardcord nerd, and a hugh fan of linux/php/perl/mysql but I get pissed when people say "winblows" and crap, I'm currently using the xp theme and I love it:cool:
I like the fact that XP is very 'skinnable' to suit anyone's preferences, but IMO, it's just the icons and 'curves' and 'roundness' on window edges, on the default Luna skin that make me think my computer is a Fisher-Price toy.

I generally use the classic Windows theme, or get StyleXP.
I can't use the default Luna skin anymore, just like I can't use the Windows Classic theme.. I used them for so long I can't stand them anymore. Generally I use really strange, difficult to use skins - that way nobody else ever wants to use my computer.
I switched of all of the XP fancy bells & whistles and use Nextstart & Windowblinds, more skins and more configurable
I am all for standard. I really don't care what it looks like as long as I can use it.
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