[DETAILED] Vista Windows Explorer Problem

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I'll try and be as detailed as I can. Sorry, because it will be long.

I have a HP Pavillion dv6600

It operates on Vista 32-BIT

I've had this HP laptop for over a year I believe and it's ran smoothly since then. Today though, I decided I was going to clean it up. I'd done it many times before, I know what I can and cannot delete. I was just organizing some stuff on my desktop and making some folders for them so it'd look more neat. I then went to search for a cleaner.

I went and found one and downloaded it. It was called Comodo System-Cleaner Free Utility Optimized for Windows 7. It said it was supported for 32 and 64 bit Vista OS's.

I downloaded it from here: Astatalk - Comodo System-Cleaner Free Utility Optimized for Windows 7. download release

I frequently use this website and I've never had a problem with it. I don't know if I downloaded a virus or what. I had my AV on when downloading. It opened in a rar file and I extracted it. As soon as that happened, the trouble started.

A pop-up appeared and said: "Windows Explorer as stopped working" ... it proceeded to say it was looking for a solution. Then it closed and restarted. It loops and loops and loops and uses up a ton of memory. I turned my computer off 'cause I didn't want it to crash.

So far I've tried booting in safe mode, system restore, and accessing program files and add and remove programs from my task manager. Safe mode still had the windows explorer error although it didn't use as much memory. System restore worked, however I still had the error. I checked the programs recently installed and none were installed in the past 3 days. I checked my program files to see if there was anything I didn't know in there. All failed.

I do not have a recovery disk because this laptop did not come with one. It has another drive meant for system recovery and to use it I press F11 on start-up. My dad has a DELL laptop and he has the OS disk but I'm hesitating to use it because they're different computers and I'm guessing that his CD has specialized things for HIS drivers and such. However, its for the same 32-bit OS that I have. I also have some XP system discs, but they're also for DELL and they're old. I thought about using them when I wanted to downgrade to XP but I didn't because of the same driver issue.

Since this error keeps popping up and will not let me access anything from the start menu or desktop, I do not know what to do. Help please. Feel free to ask questions, I'll answer whatever I can to solve this.
Completely understandable and I appreciate that you even replied at all. Thanks. I don't need to turn off my AV before I use it or anything do I?

Just being cautious, I made the mistake of using two AV's at once a few years back when I was around 11 or 12. Hehe. Thought I was doing myself a favor, I was wrong.
Completely understandable and I appreciate that you even replied at all. Thanks. I don't need to turn off my AV before I use it or anything do I?

Just being cautious, I made the mistake of using two AV's at once a few years back when I was around 11 or 12. Hehe. Thought I was doing myself a favor, I was wrong.

The Guide will walk you right threw it. Just follow the instructions and you will be just fine. ;)
Naw no need to turn off the AV. The applications suggested to run can run even with a AV on. ;)
I contacted the owner of the site. See what he says.
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