Hey im new to the forums, so I hope I can get some help. Anyways I just got a new computer, well my parents bought it, so I had nil say in what we got....but anyways its an XP 2000+ with 512 MB DDR and I just installed a geforce3...but the problem is I was looking at the MB manual that came with it, and I noticed that the FSB is only 100/133....and the newer XP chips support up to like 200 or 266, correct? So I was just wondering if the slower FSB, which is the same bus speed that was in my old celeron 300, is slowing down the computer? I would be using it mainly for gaming, obviously, so thats why i ask. Oh and btw i scored around 7000 on 3DMark2001...should it be higher? If anyone knows if it is the MB thatd be great, and point me to any good reccommedations for a good one. Thanks