Cannot find network

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In Runtime
Minneapolis, MN
Hi everyone

I recently reinstalled windows XP (not format though) and now I cannot see my roommate's computer on the network. We are both plugged into a switch, both are on the same workgroup, both have firewalls disabled, and also both have file sharing ENABLED.

Any suggestions???
ok, well, what are your ip address ranges? you both are on a simple switch right? make sure that both of your ip addresses are in the same range. btw....the "workgroup" thing is a myth. should be able to see each other in a p-2-p network no matter what workgroup.....just boils down to node name and/or ip in the end.
to locate your ip addresses, click start > run > type 'cmd' and hit enter. type 'ipconfig'

what shows up?
both of our ip addresses are set to auto configure. The reason for that is we connect to our cable modem through the switch. It was working before i reinstalled windows, and I am positive we have always been auto assigned.
have you contacted the ISP to see if they changed their configuration?
I've only heard of this once before, where the ISP allows a switch in place of a router and feeds out more than 1 IP, but who know. Your sure it's not a router?
What are your IPs? On both machine. You should get one even in autoconfigure, so if you display what they are minus the last octet you'll be ok. i.e 192.168.2.x
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