Calculate how may days it would take to reach 10,000

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Brackets, exponents, division, multiplication, addition and subtraction
Never heard of "BEDMAS" before, nor have I heard of division coming before multiplication.

Beyond that, if you had problems where you needed two sets of paranthesis it'd use () style first, then [] which would technically be brackets, and if it required them it'd be {}

whoa, you did 26.8 post per day since Aug last year?!!
Suppose if that's what it says in my profile it must be true
Never heard of "BEDMAS" before, nor have I heard of division coming before multiplication.
Bedmas is probably taught in Ontario since that's the system I know as well, multiplication and division are interchangable but BEDMAS is easier to remember than BEMDAS ;)
Bedmas is probably taught in Ontario since that's the system I know as well, multiplication and division are interchangable but BEDMAS is easier to remember than BEMDAS
PEMDAS owns your canadian system! :p

Whats the little mneumonic device for BEDMAS? Like I said on the first page the PEMDAS is "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" so whats BEDMAS?

Because Every Day Must Actually Suck :D
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