C&C Generals

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Baseband Member

Reviewed by fORM

Platform: PC
Game Type: RTS (real time strategy)
Developer: Electronic Arts
Publisher: Original Westwood Studios
Release Date: Q2 2003

Another sweet title from the boys & gals at EA.
If you've followed the series you'll admit this is the best addition yet. It's a huge improvement over it's predecessor Red Alert. The gameplay, graphics and functions have been upgraded beyond all belief. The civs are built tuff and each has it's own unique strengths and differences.

Rent it or buy it advisory :4stars:

Good things:
- many new units to command
- graphics and animations beefed up majorly
- nuclear weapon strikes
- smooth online and direct connect options
- middle eastern army
- suicide bombers/trucks, chemical weapons and snipers
- computer opponents
- awesome airstrikes, mines drops and air drops

Bad/rougher things:
- no navy or naval bases
- limited zoom
- laggy online when using firetanks (china)
- no airliner hijackings (GLA civ)

Overall a great online/single player game with high replay value. It's a title I hope to see on PS2 and Xbox.
If you would like to get even more information on this game or get downloads you can head on over to CNC Zone. We have the originaly planned movies of how the game was supposed to look here compared to some pictures of what the released version looks like here. Also dont be afraid to register and post on our forums. :)
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