Building a Computer Guide*Lots of Pics*

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Thank your for making a guide like this. I will be building a new computer with some of the same components and this answered some of my small questions. I do have one question though, is it a matter of personal preference if you install the heatsink and cpu outside of the case or inside?
Very basic guide, could use a lot more details.....But it does have a lot of pics which is good. I would say it woud be best to use a more detailed guide in conjuction with this since a lot of the detailed guides dont have crap for pics.

nice guide im new to building and im gettin similiar stuff to you. im gettin the same G.SKILL ram as you, how does it perform for you, is it great for games.

and im not sure which DFI mobo to get. im leaning towards the DFI LANPARTY UT nF4 SLI-D at the mo. is that a good choice?
you should get teh SLI-DR, the G.Skillz are very nice, im getting around DDR500
Its ok, Its basic you should be able to figure it out. but i imagine some people are not helped out with this.
Vampire_Slayer said:
Very basic guide, could use a lot more details.....But it does have a lot of pics which is good. I would say it woud be best to use a more detailed guide in conjuction with this since a lot of the detailed guides dont have crap for pics.

I fully agree.
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