BF2 Weapon Unlocks

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vaderpro said:
Yes, sorry to misinform u Havoc....U just get these new weapons when u play enough. I have three new weapons to choose from (better shotgun, better sniper rifle, better assault rifle.)

Oh yeah, i know. I've unlocked a few already. I pretty much either snipe or i'm a medic. Those two things to me are the most fun. I really like being in a aircraft, but i can't fly to save my life.

I thought you ment combo's like, "Shot someone with a shotgun, knock them down, when they start to get back up, blast them with a rocket."

I do this in SOCOM 2 on PS2. Shotgun'em down, then when they go to standup, quick select your pistol and finish them off. I laugh like crazy everytime...

bradybnmci said:
The unlockable special ops and support weapons are my favorite.

I'm so glad that they included scoring for C4ing Commander assets for Special OP's in patch 1.3. That's the reason why I stopped playing the special OP's when it first came out. You didn't get rewarded for it. It's actually pretty difficult to get yourself into the enemies backyard, unscaved and have the opportunity to plant 5 C4 packs and blow up 2 1/2 assets. Then call for supplies and wait.
If I get all of the assets blown up before I get killed, i consider myself very, very, very lucky... Teams of 2 to 3 Spec Op's are the best for this....
yeah about noy being able to use your weapons i think some servers have the option of turning off weponunlocks so you have to use the original ones. my favourite is the spec ops gun and the sniper. but i have to admit that the most fun thing to do is take an airplane and fly straight up till your plane starts violentally shaking and then jump out and try and get back in HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH. :D:D:D:D
One nice improvement in 1.3 is the points for destroying the enemies radar, uva or arty. Before you didnt get any points, and there wasnt a reason to do it The only thing the need to do is make more maps. I prefer city maps or half city, half vechiles maps. Wake is a great map, i have mastered the helo and aircraft, and almost untouchable.

If you ever want to play a server with me, im me or find me on xfire

aim sn: plantagenet51
xfire: andyouare1

Two of the servers I play often are:

Moongamers 64.34.181:16567
PTG City Maps Only

Some quality rated servers.
O i have mastered the helo and aircraft, and almost untouchable.

Great, may-be you can teach me to fly those freakin' things... I'm the worst pilot ever.... Then again, someone said that my settings ans controls are all off... So i need a lot of help in the aircraft area... lol
HAVOC2k5 said:
Great, may-be you can teach me to fly those freakin' things... I'm the worst pilot ever.... Then again, someone said that my settings ans controls are all off... So i need a lot of help in the aircraft area... lol

Well first off, you need a joystick. Flying, especially hovering doesnt work with a mouse very well.
A joystick?!?!? LOL. I have one, but dont use it very often, I use my mx1k most of the time. I find the best way to pratice is to find a server with no one on it, and you can just fly around all you want. I do find a joystick is better, but a majority of the time I use the mouse. If you have a very accurate mouse, it helps.

I find the logitech laser mx1k is better for glying than other mice, it is very resposive, even when you pick up the mouse and put it back down. When flying a helo or plane, I do this often, when just making a small adjustment. The fact that this mouse doesnt track when lifted more than a height of 2mm. This makes a difference in gaming or flying.
All those guys that kickass with flyin are usin joysticks....i should set mine up but too lazy...
I was playing on a wake island server and on both sides the helo and aircraft pilots were all using logitech mice, and they are some of the better pilots i have flown against. Maybe I havent set up my joystick correctly, but I do much much better with my mx1000.
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