BF2 Weapon Unlocks

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Fully Optimized
Potsdam NY, USA
I have earned three weapon unlocks. But I dont have access to them in any servers. Is this an EA glitch? Has any one gotten weapon unlocks to work? What servers have you found that offer weapon unlocks?
Hmm weird, they work in most servers for me. Maybe turn off some of your filters.....the best is the shotgun/sraw combo, i kill alot of poor bastards with that combo.
vaderpro said:
Hmm weird, they work in most servers for me. Maybe turn off some of your filters.....the best is the shotgun/sraw combo, i kill alot of poor bastards with that combo.

combos? in BF2? oh.. sweet do tell.
You really cant mix and match weapons from classes, he is just talking about how as anti tank you have the sraw (your anti tank rocket) and the unlock is the shotgun, which is a good killing combo.
You really cant mix and match weapons from classes, he is just talking about how as anti tank you have the sraw (your anti tank rocket) and the unlock is the shotgun, which is a good killing combo.
Yes, sorry to misinform u Havoc....U just get these new weapons when u play enough. I have three new weapons to choose from (better shotgun, better sniper rifle, better assault rifle.)
Once your global score is 800, 2500, 5000, 8000, you get a weapon unlock. To find out more about bf2 and ranks, badges, medals, check out
1.03 patch was a little dissapointing with all the rank changes. I went from 2 unlocks to 5!! a little too fast. I had to work for months to get that second unlock, now everyone has everything. BOO
vaderpro said:
Yes, sorry to misinform u Havoc....U just get these new weapons when u play enough. I have three new weapons to choose from (better shotgun, better sniper rifle, better assault rifle.)

The new shotgun sucks and is n00b IMHO
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