BF2 Officially SUCKS!

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Golden Master

Talk about one piece of crap of a game. It was released as if it was unfinished, its so buggy that even people with high end systems are having trouble playing it. People told me to reformat and that would make it better, so I reformatted, no improvement. I install the patch, no improvement. Not only that, I sit down to play and I start getting this PunkBuster error that took me a long time to sort out. When I finally get it sorted out, I sit down to play and decide to go ahead and deal with the lag. Im a noob though, so I log into the server and I do one thing that I shouldn't and everybody on my team gets immature and starts calling me things like "retard" and "faggot"...get a grip guys! Then I join another server and I get kicked for a high ping time! I have to say I can hardly call this "experience" a game. Here's a little piece of advice, stick to CSS!


Sorry, just had to get that off my chest.
heh....$50 wasted, eh? some of my friends say BF2 is awesome though

buut i'm still sticking to cs:s :D
diabloII said:
heh....$50 wasted, eh? some of my friends say BF2 is awesome though

buut i'm still sticking to cs:s :D

BF2 would be awesome if....

1. You were lucky enough to get it to run stabily without game, connection, or driver problems.

2. You've played the other battlefield games so you already have some skill at it.

3. You have a joystick to fly the aircraft with..the keyboard and mouse don't cut it!

4. The players weren't so stuck up that they won't let a noob learn without harrasing him.
As far as I am concerned it looks like you have some serious issues with the game and your system beedub...and it's a little worse than most. I run the game very well with the exception of the dumb connection error which is because of my stupid Linksys router.

The rest of you...if you don't have bf2...

Your system doesn't have to blow or be a killer to play this game. Its all luck. There are people, even at this forum (Alex81388) who have systems many of us would kill for, and even they are having trouble with this game. Yet there are those with 6600 GTs that are able to play it fine. And its not just performance problems that I'm complaining about.

In addition to what I mentioned above, has anybody noticed that aside from the water, the graphics aren't that great? Sure, they aren't bad, but they should have been much better, and whats the deal with those shadows! The levels also aren't well designed either....indoor environments look horrible, its like the level designers spent no time on them at all.
ItÂ’s very difficult to design a game that looks good, support 64 player models simultaneously, particle effects, and pretty much any other form of geometry and still run on an old system. The thing is that PC games have to be scaleable, not everyone builds their systems around games. And not everyone has the same system. If the graphics were better, than only people with high-end systems would be able to play it, and if thatÂ’s how BF2 was made, than DICE and EA wouldnÂ’t get much revenue because gamers would catch on that few systems could run it.
Kinda reminding me of Doom 3, how hardly anybody could run it when it came out. At least in my area, way more people bought it for the XBOX than the PC, because they didn't want to shell out the money for a gaming PC that could play it. If BF2 is supposed to be scalable, they aren't doing a very good job of it. I would hate to see it run on a crap PC with an FX 5200 or something if its killing today's beast PCs.
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