bee sting

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Ok so i am allergic and was wondering how long i would live if i got stung by another bee? if i didn't use my epypen.

Can a bee sting kill you when you are allergic?
It depends on how allergic you are to them. I know a guy who has to take a syringe with him everywhere because if he gets stung by a bee he will die in liked 15 minutes unless he takes the shot.

It's crazy.
are you sure cause my doc said that right after i get stung i should inject myself with that epipen and go straight to a doctor or hospital.
I'm allergic to bee sting also, but I don't think it will kill me. First time I was stong, nothing really happen just a painful bump, second time stong my whole body reacted, I had a whole bunch of rashes all over my body and was in the hospital for 2 days LOL. I'm guessing the third time would probably put me in a coma.

What happen to you when you get stong by a bee? Is it that bad that you have to go to the hospital?
first time i stepped on one, second time i stepped on one, third time i was at the park and got stung and my whole hand was swallon so i missed a couple days of school lol always a good thing to miss, fourth time dumb kids at school through stuff at a bees nest and made them mad and i had to go in from recess and got stung on my hand once again and that time my hand was bleeding where i got stung and it swelled up real bad, fifth time i got stung labor day of this year spraying a yellow jackets nest and a wasp somehow got me.

I think i got stung about 20 times but can't remember the rest of the times i got stung.
Yeah... just keep an epipen in your pocket wherever you go - if you don't have access to an epipen, keep like eight doses of Benedryl in your wallet or something. Same thing, but the Epipen is fed directly to your bloodstream - Quicker, more effective.

PS - Consult your doctor before ODing on Benedryl, lol.
Norcent if youre allergic to bees and want to have a contingency plan for SURVIVAL if you don't have your meds and you come to a TECH FORUM and ask for medical advice that is quite literally the difference between life and death then you deserve to die if you get stung again!
God, go to mayo clinic, or google it or something!
wow, it must relaly suck to be allergic to bee stings, im not, and i got stung 3 times when taking down a nest and not even a bump just a little sharp pain for a minute or 2.
I was stung countless times growing up, no problem. My granny would put snuff on them (not Copenhagen, but the powdered kind... she dipped it all the time). The tobacco would draw out the poinson.

Well, it seems that I have become allergic as I grew older. I got stung in the side in '98. Had a dinner plate sized whelt for a week that only went away with taking Benedryl.

Got stung on the back of the neck a year or so later on Thanksgiving... had went to the grocery store for ice and the blower over the doors blew a wasp into my collar. By the time I got the ice and Benedryl and checked out, it was the size of a softball (about 5" dia). i just started taking Benedryl and didn't stop.

My doc wrote me a prescription for an Epipen, but I have never gotten it. My dad had become deadthly allergic to bees now, and I guess I will too.

Maybe I ought to get the doc to rewrite that prescription...
When my little brother once got stung right on the lip when he was like 4 or 5, a bee flew into his pop and he took a sip. It was really scary because it was suspected that he may have been allergic and my mom and I took him to the emergency room. She was freakin' out so I had to hold down everything. Ended up being fine just had to keep ice on him for a few hours and read him books and stuff. His lips swlled up and he look like a duck it was hilarious and sad at the same time lol.

ANd seriously fellows if you're allergic it's a really good idea to keep a couple vials of that Epipen stuff, maybe like one at the house, one in the car or something. Stuff could easily save your life, no reason not to have it handy.
ANd secondly where are you guys getting all of these bee stings from? Bees, wasps, etc. have been in my back yard all my life because we always have flowers and I've only been stung 2-3 times. Wasn't even bad, hardly hurt when it happened and they didn't swell much bigger than a mosquito bite. Do y'all just toss rocks at hornets' nests when you're bored or what?
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