battlefield 2 patch 1.4

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i was just about to post it too. i just tried to connect to bf2, and it wouldnt let me login. i automatically thought is 1.4 out? and low and behold, it is. finally.
Patch 1.3 was released in late may. It took them about 60+ days to release the so called, "1.4 patch..."

wow... and they always add new things... do they ever learn?
well, after you login, which takes about 5 minutes, it automatically connects u to a road to jallalabad game, which is a big mistake. everything is taking forever!!! not very good so far
I just installed the 1.3 to 1.4 patch...honestly it works great...i havent had this good gameplay since never....took me 5 mins to download..

I too was getting a ton of connection problems lately..just played flawlessly for 45 mins
I'll probably install it later today or tomorrow.

I'm tired of the crashes, disconnects, and blue screens because of BF2... but it's too fun to stop playing.
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