A outlandish linux question

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Solid State Member
ok... mainly, im a XP user (because i play a lot of games), but i want to broaden my horizons, and i want to get serious about my software development (i heard linux > windows for this). Im going to install both xp and linux on my new machine when its build, and for linux, im not using a GUI (for the sake of broadening my horizons)... what i want to know, is how long it would take to learn to script in linux (for referance, i learned VB in a month) and how much running a duel OS would affect my XP gaming
As long as you get it set-up right a dual boot machine will have no effect on XP's abiliy to run the games software.

As for scripting Linux...

That's going to depend on many factors. You mention VB, but what other programming languages have you written in? If you will just be learning a new syntax and are already familar with programming techniques then I don't think it will be much of a jump.

However, if you are not an experienced programmer and have no previous experience of command line interfaces and bare bones text editing then it could be a frustrating experience. You are notgoing to have access to usefull features like code completion and syntax prompting. therefore you are going to need a good reference and be carefull with your typing...

You also don't specify whether you are just looking to do shell scripting or are going to be looking at languages like python or perl. However if you do take the time to learn how to make the most out of UNIX based OS's you will end up with a much better understanding of how computers work and you will also be introduced to the power of a proper OS....

Good Luck!!
I'd say that shell scripting is probably a little easier than VB, although I liked VB as well.
I know this will sound stupid, but why not use a GUI? Anyplace you go to script will have one and if you need to use just the BASH line then just open up a console window. There's so much that Linux has to offer in the GUI that you would really be missing out on the whole expierence.

And it won't effect your XP gaming. Just make sure you install Win first, then Linux so you don't have to play with getting the boot loader to work.
1. install a gui
2. visit sourceforge.net
and pick some programs apart...
3. you'll take it from there.
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