Swine flu has 'pandemic potential'

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True. The focus needs to be on "where the **** is the vaccine?". I am going to search for something more accurate..Panama doesn't even care about Panama why would the internets provide any details.
^there is no vaccine, a normal person without a week immune system can kill it off naturally. Also, if they did find a way to kill it but not keep it away from you that would be bad, quite bad, because if you got it again it would be more dangerous.
^there is no vaccine, a normal person without a week immune system can kill it off naturally. Also, if they did find a way to kill it but not keep it away from you that would be bad, quite bad, because if you got it again it would be more dangerous.

There is no vaccine yet, and they say it is either months away or impossible to have. I don't know, I have a terrible immune system and I take all kinds of vitamins but still manage to get sick all the time. I just got over eye infections in both of my eyes, not fun. I'm not sure what you mean by "keeping it away" vs. "kill it"?

I'm just saying that a vaccine would be nice to have right? Either way it spooks me because the numbers are only rising where I live and people here tend to need a whole lot of motivation to go the hospital, especially when no one has health insurance and their monthly income is on average $350. If I made that little, I would have to be bleeding out of more than one hole to go the hospital and deal with the med bills, let alone a cough and fever.
Looks like Biohazard Mask and suits are going to be this summer's new fashion.

I already have a gas mask if it gets outta hand! :p. SUrprised those prices haven't been jacked up on eBay yet... That's where I got mine anyway lol...more for a halloween costume than anything tho.
Since it's showing up down in Australia. We had this one contaminated ship come in all ready. So I have just purchased mine from eBay.

COOL! Gas Masks are back in fashion again!!!!
Yay for gasmasks! What mask did you get KC? :p

Mine is the Israeli style:

all this talk over 144 world wide deaths....but they hardly ever talk about what goes down in africa and the blood diamonds? or the amount of murders in new york,.....or better yet, Tijuana's lack of control on the drug cartel, they have commited over 1000 murders in the last year. and thats right on our (USA) border 15 miles south of san diego (50 miles from my place).

the swine flu is like a flea compared to the rest of the worlds problems, that the media turns a blind eye to.

Gas Mask & Filter Unissued M61 Military w/ Amp. + D KIT - eBay (item 370211580102 end time Jun-12-09 09:08:42 PDT)
wow thats alot of pictures for a $15 item! all that time and effort on that item description, must make for a bad hourly wage!
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