use the mouse in left-handed way

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Solid State Member
as use the mouse every day, i feel some pain in wrist and arm. i also think
most of the people have it too.
these monthes i use the mouse in left-handed way. it's really comfortable,
because no pain have been feeled. although at the beginning i am unaccustomed to this way,
but i bet every body can used to it in one or two monthes.
and i also think use the left hand can practice your right brain. because left
hand is controled by the right brain.
do you think it's an easy and effective way to release yourselt from pain? after
reading this words will you use mouse in both hands, be a ambidexter?
He's saying that since he start using his left hand as his mousing hand, he hasn't felt any pain....I think that's the point he's trying to make.

-Silent Fear
Interesting. Out of curiosity, are you left handed or right handed? (I have a friend who's left-handed but uses the mouse right-handed).

I can use a mouse either way. Now that I'm paying attention to what my habits are, the choice of hands I type with almost seems random.
ohGrFreak said:
I am left handed, use the mouse with my right hand. Hurts after long periods of time, but I think it'll be funny using it in my left hand.

I'm left handed too, but I do everything with the right side of my body. It was weird mousing with my left hand at first, but after five minutes it wasn't a problem.

-Silent Fear
i cant use my mouse in my left hand its a logitech mx700 i dont even think make left handed logitech mx700.
we have a saying here in manchester... he who uses the mouse with his left hand holds something of great importance in his right!

I have never understood what it means ;)
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