Skulltag (Classic DooM Deathmatch)

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Fully Optimized
Ohio, United States
I mentioned this before, but now that I'm thinking about it I think it deserves it's own thread. If you miss DooM deathmatch, or you never had the chance to do so, you need to check out Skulltag. I still kind of play online every now and then, it's still a great game. It also works with other titles like Hexen and Heretic. Watch this trailer to get a feel of what it's about.

YouTube - Skulltag 97d Trailer

There's also lots of different gamemodes to be played.

Remember Doom? Skulltag makes it even better.

Skulltag is a port for the original Doom and Doom II by id Software.

Skulltag brings classic Doom into the 21st century, maintaining the essence of what has made Doom great for so many years and, at the same time, adding new features to modernize it, creating a fresh, fun new experience.

Here's why you should kill your time with Skulltag, versus vanilla Doom:

Latest version: 97D4
June 28, 2009

* Excellent online play
o Client/server architecture: play and switch between games with ease
o Supports up to 32 players
o Wide array of gameplay modes
+ Competitive: Team DM, Duel, CTF, Possession, LMS, Terminator, Skulltag
+ Cooperative: Survival, Invasion (or both!)
+ Modifiers, like Instagib and Buckshot, can be used to spice up any game.

* Modern and beautiful
o Choose between GZDoom's OpenGL renderer, or Doom Software
o Useful features like a console, Quake-style key bindings, freelooking, and jumping
o Full, enthusiastic support for ZDoom and GZDoom mods
o Support for Heretic, Hexen, and Strife, as well as Linux/FreeBSD

* Innovative new content
o Announcers and skins for online play
o Runes, new weapons, and new monsters for modders
o 50 new, well designed stock maps for any game mode
o Bots, and support for custom bots

* So much more!

Head over to the download page to get Skulltag, and let the fragging begin!

You do need the WAD files for the games, and they aren't included in the Skulltag package as it's just a client. If you already have copies of them you can just copy them over, or you can find them on the internet. Steam also has it. NOTE: You want doom2.wad which is from DooM II, as most if not all multiplayer modes are based off that WAD. I can also help point you in the right direction if you PM me.
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