Potentially the longest thread in history...

there was a bunch of hard skin on my little toe so I peeled it off...now about half the skin on my toe is missing.....starting to burn real bad

just thought I'd let you guys know :D
Ya man, not really something i wanted to hear. Perhaps we should make a wafflehammer section where he can post about what ever he wants where no one will read lol.
So the doctor didn't order my MRI. I went in on Wednesday, and was supposed to expect a call in a few days. I called today to find out that he didn't order my MRI. Irritates me a touch considering the Vicodin hasn't done anything at all for the pain.
Take more then the recommended dose. Like x3. Maybe it's just me but Vicodin is pretty mild, you would think you would get something more appropriate...bummer man.
Take more then the recommended dose. Like x3. Maybe it's just me but Vicodin is pretty mild, you would think you would get something more appropriate...bummer man.

It doesn't help that I'm still working, and pretty much everything hurts like ****. I've contemplated taking more, but I've only got so many pills.
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