Help with Debian and Grub!

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Baseband Member
I am obviously new to linux and have a fresh install of debian 3.1 "Sarge" on another partion and windows XP on the first partition. When I boot the computer, Grub comes on for three seconds allowing me to select windows XP. If I don't touch anything, it goes straight to debian. I need to change this so that it defaults windows instead. At the command line, I try to go into "/boot/grub/menu.lst" but instead of displaying "default 0" allong with the timeout etc, it tells me "permission denided." It tells me this even when I am signed in as root. I thought the problem was that I didn't have "ee" installed so I tried the apt-get install ee command but it told me that it couldn't find ee despite having cd#7 in the drive and already scanned. I get the same "permission denied" if I try to access "/etc/apt/sources.list" also. Can any of you help me out? Thanks in advance,

Thanks. I'll try that now and edit my post if it works.

Th general: I didn't download 7. Just the first four and then number 7 which I heard had ee on it.

Thanks again,

Thanks for the help. I was trying to open them without using anything. I would just type "/boot/grub/menu.lst" without anything eles. I tried to change it using "vi" which didn't turn out well and I spent 10 minutes trying to find out how to quit! I found out about a text editer named nano which did the trick! Right now I am going to try to get windows X up and running and will post again here if something goes wrong! Thanks again!

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