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Daemon Poster
Yes, it's the inevitable college thread.

If you are currently attending or have graduated from college, what college do/did you go to? What colleges did you apply to and where'd you get in/get rejected?

If you haven't attended college yet, what college would you go to if you could go to any one?

As for me, I would go for MIT or Princeton (but I'd settle for Harvard too :p)
I plan to apply to UCSD, UCI and UCR in the fall, and I'm currently in the top 4% of my class.

I also plan to shoot for Berkeley, but I fear my GPA isn't high enough (that's what you get for slacking off during your freshman and sophomore years).
Cool, cool... My brother got into Berkeley and so did a ton of his friends. They seemed to take quite a few people this year; I bet you have a good shot. :)
My brother got admitted to UCLA and has decided to go there. It was down to Berkley and UCLA, and he chose UCLA. It was basically a coin flip because they are both good schools. As for me, I am only a sophmore, so no hopes yet.
I live in NC so colleges outside NC is too expensive for me. I'm going to NC State University... yup David Bradley is working there right now:) But I'm going to a private school for my graduate degree.
As for me, I am only a sophmore, so no hopes yet.
Oh cmon, you know you've thought about it... If you could go anywhere in the country where would it be?

My brother was considering Berkely and UCLA too, but he got into Stanford and that was his first choice, so he didn't have too hard a decision. That would have been crazy if our brothers had gone to the same school though.
Im too young to decide something like that.

I am just 14 years old.........or is that too young? :p
Hey, I had my heart set on Harvard when I was 7! (I've since changed my mind, but still...)
I'm going to UCI but I got accepted to UCLA and UCSD also. I choose UCI because its really close to home but more importantly I was offered a $11500 a year scholarship.
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