BF2: Suicide Bombing

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septoid2 said:
Wow! I didn't know anyone else does this. My friend and I call this "AlQaeda'ing"

We'll be playing and he'll go, yo man go special forces lets go alqaeda that **** tank.

and I'll go, okay I'm driving.


its very populer. probablly all the spec-op does it. good thing we can respawn.
I personally have no problem with it. My feeling is if it was used in real life, go ahead and do it in the game. A suicide vehicle is definitely realistic. Just a few days ago I saw a video of an insurgent van full of explosives driving into a military checkpoint. It works in real life, why not do it in game.

As for kicking because of it... I agree with that aswell. Im an admin on a DOD:S server, and we dont allow rockets. If the admin doesnt want it, you dont use it. They pay hundreds of dollars for the server and hours maintaining it, so if they want their server a certain way, its best just to go along with it.
i dont think i have ever ran into a server which said do not suicide bomb lol

but there was this one server where this guy would always respawn back up his MEC van car with C4's and then ram into whatever tank or APC is there :O

i think its time for basic explosive badge :)
Basic Pistol - Use the Sniper Kit. After you hit someone with the M95 and they don't die, they have a fraction of health left.

Pull out your pistol and start capping away. This is how I got my pistol badge. I actually have veteren this way.

I still ahven't gotten my basic knife yet. I CAN'T GET 7 KNIFE KILLS PER ROUND!

Suicide bombing... I only do this If I know i'll die anyway. Most of the time I try to get away... SBin' is the LAST option....
I finally got basic pistol on accident. i wasnt paying attention and i guess i got enough kills, needless to say, i was suprised. I got it using sniper and AT kits because i was having a tough time doing good with any kit.

I played on a server where they kicked for suicide bombing yesterday i think, wasnt too much fun. :( I also played in another where this guy would cover the MEC heli transport with c4 and suicide bomb other helis. The squad i was in, we were messing around throwing c4, grenades, AT mines out of the heli while flying and this guy would come up from behind and blow us up. He would kill everyone in the heli every time. That guy was annoying.
The knife badge was suprisingly easy to get. I got it on the second round where i was actually trying to get it. Try to find a nest of snipers and right there you got a few easy kills. :)
Wow knifing is easy on SF, but can you get the knife badge in for the regular BF2? or does it not count

and how come i got to choose like 4 different unlocks once i installed BF2??

ok edit


Yeah, That means you got 7 pistol kills - got basic.
Then you put your self over 50 pistol kills total and got veteran.

Now you need 18 Kills in a round & 500 total kills with a pistol for expert. (18 IAR) is pretty tough to do i'd say. You'll have to play an uber long game, like Kubra Dam in 64 slots with only like 10 players playing.
I did that one night and i think the game lasted like 2 hours...
Meh, i think i'll go for all the veteran kit badges but 15H for each kit thats the hard part, then you go for 15 kills IAR, but thats the easy part.

hmm thats a smart idea low number of players with a high ticket in a 64 player server

how come i never thought of this?
The admin banning you was definitely unjust. Suicide bombing, as annoying as it is, should not be known as "cheap" or ban-worthy.
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