Access another computers localhost...

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Mr. tech

In Runtime
I have EasyPHP ( installed on my PC... I recently upgraded from version 1.6 to 1.8...

To access EasyPHP I go to http://localhost/ in my browser...

I used to be able to access http://localhost/ on the EasyPHP computer from another computer located on the same Network. The address I used was http://network/ (network is the full computer name of the EasyPHP computer)...

However now that I've upgraded, I can't access http://network/ anymore from any of the computers!!!

Any ideas why? I need this fixed asap... Thanks for your help...
sounds like a firewall issue.

ping network, should be ok. if not you may have a dns issue.

run a port scan on network. if 85 opens and 80 is closed, you may have a firewall issue, but it also could be the config of the webserver software.
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