Upgrading Linux Computer to Windows

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Now i know you are all about Apple now but at least i can say this.

At least Windows has patched teh DNS flaw that affects every PC. Mac has still yet to get a workign patch on its clients.

Kinda big flaw they are leaving alone for over a month now....

Sorry i should add that i dont know if youae being serious or not. I dont see any emoticons otherwise. But i would like to not start another OS war. ;)

All in good fun my friend. All in good fun.
Yea just to let the public know me a mak are fiends an we both have a jibe at each others OS of choice regularly on MSN but we are both OS neutral for the most part we just feel at home with one more than another. My choice is for Unix based operating systems an the best I have found is OSX (an it shall remain so :)) an I like apple hardware this has not always been the case but i digress.

I build an service windows based PC's on a daily basis - Mak is a known windows expert recognized by MS for being so, this is all in good fun an should be taken as a light hearted bit of entertainment.
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