Windows XP question..

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Can you use the same Product Key for multiple running computers? My friend says you can use the same key for up to three computers? This true?
yes, but they can not all be in use at the same time, only one of these key's can be used on a computer at a time, to not follow this is against the usage term thing....i can't remember the name of it.
Yeah that is what I meant in my question. 3 running computers all at the same time using the same key. Thanks for the reply.
Talking from experience, I have two comps of mine running the same XP right now, and another one in the room next to mine. So you definitely can :)

(Also legally).
Talking from experience, I have two comps of mine running the same XP right now, and another one in the room next to mine. So you definitely can :)

(Also legally).

Actually no it is not legal to have more than 1 PC with a copy of Windows install at any time using a Product Key. Even Retail.

OEM you can only have 1 PC and you can not transfer the serial.

Retail you can only have 1 PC but you can transfer the serial.

Having more than 1 PC using the same serial is against the EULA and TOS of Windows and is illegal.

It doent matter if they are online or not. Having more than 1 machine still violates the EULA and TOS.
Mak: Relate question.

Once upon a time (before I bought a legit copy of XP) I used something to validate it. Now, you had to enter a correct key, but then if it was i use, you just added a quick change to the registry. Would changing the registry to do that be 1) Legal? 2) Against the EULA?

And what about a keygen for it? If you found a legit code? (I've used this stuff before, but now I bought mine, :D. So I'm just wondering)
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