Why people pirate games

The site is weird you do not want emulators but your have no problem with piracy.
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The site is weird you do not want emulators but your have no problem with piracy.

Apparently you can discuss emulators and piracy. Hell, you can even admit to it. You just cannot provide links to sites supporting either of them or give instructions on how to get games etc. It's like with the police. If you tell a cop you smoke pot or break the speed limit all of the time they can't do anything. If they actually see you doing it, that is a different story altogether. Ultimately it comes down to the site/admins not wanting to be able to be held accountable for harboring criminals and facilitating something that is clearly illegal. (See Afghanistan) Really it makes perfect sense. Otherwise this site would be shut down.
yeah i was confused by everyone here too, they see nothing wrong with piracy and actually think that they are entitled to pirate games, every excuse in the book was thrown out at me trying to justify their swashbucklin ways

it is illegal and morally wrong
If you tell a cop you smoke pot or break the speed limit all of the time they can't do anything. If they actually see you doing it, that is a different story altogether.

Sort of. I studied criminal justice and work in Probation which is closely related with law enforcement. It more or less depends on which state you are in and what their laws are. In some states, however, depending on the act (if it's an ordinance offense they won't really pursue, but a crime they will) then that can be taken as testimony against you and you technically could be charged as long as it fell within the statute of limitations.

For example, the statute of limitations on arson in NJ is five years. So say a person walks up to a police officer and says he burned down a couple of houses ten years ago. Even though that's all the evidence they need right there to charge and arrest, sadly they can't do anything except flag the guy and do a run on him to see if he has any outstanding warrants, things of that nature. Now on the other hand if it was only three years passed and he made the same comment about burning down houses only three years ago, that falls within the limitations and he could be charged. Again, I don't know the specifics for all of the states, but in NJ the only crime that has no limitations is murder. Sexual abuse has limitations at this moment, but a bill passed in June that will soon be turned into law that sexual abuse will have no limitations either.

Sorry for the off topic rant.

On topic: Short and sweet to the point. DRM sucks and all it does is punish honest customers. Games are still being pirated, so it's not stopping anything; all it's doing is ****ing me off because I have to spend hours and hours transferring licenses and re-downloading every piece of content I've ever downloaded because Microsoft sold a defective product that red ringed (went through that three times). Meanwhile, pirates laugh and still play games for free.
Sort of. I studied criminal justice and work in Probation which is closely related with law enforcement. It more or less depends on which state you are in and what their laws are. In some states, however, depending on the act (if it's an ordinance offense they won't really pursue, but a crime they will) then that can be taken as testimony against you and you technically could be charged as long as it fell within the statute of limitations.

I studied criminal justice too. Actually went to college to be in the FBI/State BCI. Anyway, lol I was just making a silly comparison to be funny. This whole thread is being taken way too seriously. Sorry if I struck a nerve.
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