What would you guys do if Bill Gates signed up here?

alvino said:
Sorry to crush your dreams, but Jessica Alba would never join a forums full of computer geeks. :p
If she did now that would be amusing... :p [It would also be something for Entertainment Tonight to talk about...]
Brookfield said:
These days men & women are referred to as actors, I'm like you, I prefer actors & actresses, then there's the term "chairman" for men & women.

The other thing I find ludicrous, the factual police patrol programs on British TV, have the police, referring to wrong doers they've just arrested as "this gentleman", what's up with "man", they're hardly gent's, when they've just nearly killed someone!. who are they kidding??, it's all for the camera's, stupid British political correctness, I can just hear NY cops saying "oh do mind your head on the car roof gentlemen as you get in"

Okay I see Thank You Brookfield :)
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