You are missing the point, FLAC is compressed, whilst lossless. It depends on how and level of compression , this is why it is still lossless. WAV files are uncompressed in contrast !!!
Sigh, I'm not the one missing the point here.
You can compress FLAC yes, but the whole point of using FLAC is to not have compressed audio.
All digital audio in some form is compressed. The difference is how it's compressed or stored; alternatively also how it's played back. If you're taking a sample and decreasing fidelity or shrinking you are losing audio which isn't truly lossless.
FLAC compression and decompression algorithm is meant to
provide a lossless playback experience, but the instant you shrink you're still losing fidelity due to the nature of how compression works. Especially with audio. You don't master digital audio that's recorded in 24/96 at 16/44, you compress it to fit a disk. That's a decrease in fidelity. FLAC 0 in 1:1
to a disk is lossless to the disk as none of the audio itself is compressed off the disk. That's how it's lossless. FLAC 1-8 compression is still compression aka not truly lossless, off the disk.
In retrospect FLAC is the preferred form of compression due to the lossless playback style over MP3 which is a lossy compression compared to FLAC. The point I'm trying to make here and from the start is that a person ripping audio via FLAC won't compress. You don't use FLAC to save space, you use FLAC for a true to disk listening experience.
Edit: And before this becomes a Kman style back and forth stalemate I'll go ahead and say this.
FLAC is lossless, there's no compression.
This as a blanket statement and with no context is false. Hence were this came about, and where I think the point was misconstrued.
FLAC used the way people properly backing up an audio disk use it for is no compression. There is no variation in size give or take the CD extras or graphic. My first picture attached above is a perfect representation of this, it's true to the CD and that's how most use FLAC. WAV by definition is uncompressed simply because it offers no compression due to it's RAW/LPCM format. This also makes the file obtuse and why nobody wants to use it. FLAC offers compression in a "lossless" format, but those truly seeking a proper backup won't use FLAC 1-8 therefor uncompressed like my examples above.