What exactly is the difference between XP HE and PRO

Mental Liberator

Fully Optimized
I want to know what the exact differnce between a, windows xp pro and a home edition is, because I am running on home edition but if it is worth it, i want to buy pro, i acually don't mind about the money so please point out some things that make pro better than home, oh yea and im gonna make it service pack 2 so bleh!
My son has XP Home, I have XP Pro. he's always having freezes and glitches on his, whereas I rarely have any bother with Pro. And I've added and upgraded my second-hand box with all sorts of stuff inside and out, whereas his was brand new last year and it's still the same hardware as when it was new.
So it seems Pro is more stable than Home.
yah... Windows XP is the bomb, until the final version on Windows Longhorn comes out....
BanChan said:
I want to know what the exact differnce between a, windows xp pro and a home edition is, because I am running on home edition but if it is worth it, i want to buy pro, i acually don't mind about the money so please point out some things that make pro better than home, oh yea and im gonna make it service pack 2 so bleh!

Okay well all those reason are not accurate....first of all, reliability is not a difference.....If you machine is crashing more frequently than others it most likely due to user error not because it's Home Edition...

Off the bat the difference between Home and Professional is more on a networking side of things.....For example, Home does not offer file encryption or compression......Home edition cannot join a Domain...Home Edition does not offer as many networking tools as Professional......There is alot of other differences that I can list...

In a nutshell, if plan to join a domain or run networking utilities like file sharing with implemented security policies or other home-based networking routines get Windows XP Professional.....If you just want Windows XP for gaming, downloading, surfing the web.....Just keep to Home Edition, you won't notice a difference....
yes! the networking options are much better with pro! ;)

you got that right!

also XP Pro is cabable of being a web server with Internet Information Serrvices 6 which is an Apache compeitior.
crysalis , is correct when he said alot of errors & problems come from mostly the user....Furgy should be a good witness to this...He's still running ME & he's happy w/that.

So in short, your comp. will last you a very very long time as long as you don't screw it up.....Lol
Well Windows home can be really good as long as you don't install spyware or anything..
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