What does your chill spot look like?

well, i cleaned up today...and stacked the rest of the cans on the "canwall"....final tally is 184 cans..

Now playing: SR-71 - Tomorrow (The EDGE ROCKS!! - 100% ROCK :::: (Godsmack, Ozzy, SlipKnot, Pantera, etc) :::: Format: Active Rock / Extreme Rock 24 HOURS a day :::)
via FoxyTunes

lol I did that at boarding school we covered a whole wall floor to ceiling in 8 months 5m x 2.2m. On the last day we put some mattresses down and took bets on who could take down the most cans in a single jump at the wall.
haha. I'll have a pic of my new setup in just a second.


kinda dark, i'll take pics later with my good camera. too lazy to get batterys...
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