Weekday Gaming

Yeah, sorry wasn;t really what I meant by levels there. I meant each map/level/area. Regardless, it is a HEAVY grind. Not quite at the MMO level, but it's pretty monotonous. Farming bosses is actually more fun.

I know people mark MMOs with grindfests. But, this is why I really like Guild Wars 2. You don't need to grind to get to max level. The grinding happens when you want specific weapons or legendary weapons which have stats slightly better than much easier obtainable weapons.

My friend and 1 leveled to max on a second character on a Sat/Sun together and took about 10-12 hours to get to level 50 of 80. Then its really cheap to craft the 30 levels to 80 and takes about an hour. Really, 11-13 hours to max level in an mmo is pretty amazing.

But, those legendary weapons, which totally aren't needed to be competitive, take a good 6mos-1year of daily grinding to get.
I know people mark MMOs with grindfests. But, this is why I really like Guild Wars 2. You don't need to grind to get to max level. The grinding happens when you want specific weapons or legendary weapons which have stats slightly better than much easier obtainable weapons.

My friend and 1 leveled to max on a second character on a Sat/Sun together and took about 10-12 hours to get to level 50 of 80. Then its really cheap to craft the 30 levels to 80 and takes about an hour. Really, 11-13 hours to max level in an mmo is pretty amazing.

But, those legendary weapons, which totally aren't needed to be competitive, take a good 6mos-1year of daily grinding to get.

That is insane. I thought Borderlands was bad for legendary weapons.
That is insane. I thought Borderlands was bad for legendary weapons.

Yeah, its pretty crazy. But, you definitely do not need a legendary weapon in the game. Its barely better than the other weapons. Its more of a cosmetic cool status symbol to have one than for its stat bonuses.

Some people really like to grind in games so it gives those people an outlet.
That is insane. I thought Borderlands was bad for legendary weapons.

Never once thought of Borderlands bad for grinding. Probably cause I played MMO's and grinded for loot in the past. Those 1% drops can be very motivating... especially when they pull in 500K+ in in-game currency or $50 RL cash :D
Never once thought of Borderlands bad for grinding. Probably cause I played MMO's and grinded for loot in the past. Those 1% drops can be very motivating... especially when they pull in 500K+ in in-game currency or $50 RL cash :D

1% drop for a legendary in a game is actually pretty good. Especially if you can get a nice return like that.
1% drop for a legendary in a game is actually pretty good. Especially if you can get a nice return like that.

Nah, isn't exactly a 'legendary' but a rare loot dropped by a specific monster swamped with 60-90% drops of everything else. Sometimes you will get nothing but a single gold piece, others will net you 10 gold pieces and a slab of meat, or the 1% rare loot :D
I bet and this is not an exaggeration as Snake 50, Rhu can attest too... I bet I killed that final boss in Borderlands literally at least 400 times before it dropped a conference call. I say at least because it was probably more like 600
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