Watch Dogs

I'm getting it next week for sure. Even if it's assassin's creed in the city I'll be okay with that.

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I think it looks fantastic. I'm on the fence about many different pre-order options!
All the extra stuff is for the consoles lol PC pre order came with nothing lol A lot of useless bling for extras anyway, A white coat or a wacked out weapon depending where you pre order, I just want a great game so I'm ready to get it, I get out of work sat 11:30, head to game stop, Get there for 12 then wait in line 15-20 minutes, that's how every pre order has gone so far.
I'm very curious about this and can't wait for you guys to post some feedback. I still have a $50 GameStop giftcard from the Mrs. for my birthday, and I just sold a bunch of old, dust collecting DVD's to a co-worker for $60.

If Watch Dogs happens to be a good one then I'll most likely pick it up sometime later on during the week, or maybe next weekend.
I think I've talked myself out of Day-1 purchasing of Watch Dogs. Not because it doesn't look great (IMO it looks like a lot of fun) but more because I want to wait for reviews to decide how quickly I want to purchase it. If it gets high scores on reviews I may get it sooner rather than later.

On a side note I watched an hour-long live stream of the game from IGN (can find it in YouTube) and it kind of turned me off of the game, but let me explain why. First off, most games are better when you are playing them (as opposed to watching someone else play) UNLESS the other person playing is really good at the game then it can be a lot of fun to watch. But in this case Destin Legare (SP?) was playing and he was effing TERRIBLE at the game. He just ran around doing side quests without any context and kept failing and getting killed. It annoyed the crap out of me and I had to turn it off. They need to let professionals play games instead of him. Ok...rant over.
I'm not particularly terrible at the game but I didn't want to stream it on Twitch for this reason.

Although I will say, I'm overly critical about games these days but this game is absolutely ****. I've only been doing hardware testing for recommendations on here but I've been having a lot of fun even doing that.
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