video card

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doug420 said:
i have all the virus and spyware tools and i run them after i use my programs

If you are talking about Norton/McAfee, you might as well not have anything at all. Keep in mind that the crap builds up so much on the hard drive, that the only real way to get rid of it is to do a clean reinstall of windows. I do it every 6-12 months
doug420 said:
listen i have no problem with people and respect!! but when people call me retarded about things i do it crosses the line u know!! thats all im saying you know? about my proper english its internet and i sucked in english in school so thats that... but i have no problem with anybody on here u guys help me out but the only problem i have is that of when people insult me or others on the internet its just plain childish u know?im looking for a good driver for this graphics card i can't see blue or red in halo and before i could i just asked for help im still learning about computers

pirating games is retarded, i'm sure everyone would agree

i never called you retarded, the things you do (such as pirating games) is retarded

hey dude i hardly ever do it just music thats it i haven't got one game on lime wire because they all have viruses my fiance uses it for music thats it and u did call me pathetic because i couldn't get counter strike? whats that about i have people that i need to support thats it right there!
You shouldnt get music either. It is ILLEGAL. Meaning you could get ARRESTED. Am I getting through here?
dhw200 said:
You shouldnt get music either. It is ILLEGAL. Meaning you could get ARRESTED. Am I getting through here?

Not illegal in all country's

However Tech-Forums server is American, holding Tech-Forums legally responsible for your talk, and that's a no-no
hey dude just let me worry about it ok? i understand what ur saying ok? and ur right my lime wire isn't even working right at thhis moment so it doesn't matter anyway? and im playing halo right now so thanks
...and I thought it would turn out as the ATI and nVidia flaming...never seen this coming...anyway...look, doug, your not "retarded" and the things you do aren't "retarded" ( they are just not respected by some people like myself). They are your own business and we respect that. I myself do not agree with pirating any type of technology, but again, that is your own business. Anyway, to get to the point, don't take things so seriously. I know you may have gotten a bit upset at diablo's comments but that's just how life goes. Shake it off, try not to make the same mistake again, and move on with your life. Respect in the forums is extremely hard to gain but extremely easy to lose. Glad your Halo is working!

well my halo isn't working like it should i stil haven't found the driver that i need but im glad that u guys are trying to help! thats all i was trying to say i know pirating isn't a cool thing to do but my fiance wants songs and she does it maybe its not right but its here business im on here just trying to get help and u pretty much said what i was trying to say hey me and diablo are cool i mean i don't agree with what he has said but its all cool... nothing to get all bent out of shape about you know! im on here to get help and to help others with what i learn from u guys and thats all not here to make enemys u know! so i apolagize for getting into it with diablo he has helped me and i hope he will keep helping me and others same with all u!!
Can you please just check inside your computer and see if you have a brownish color slot above all the lined up white ones? If you do that, everyone else can collaborate and give you a recommendation.

Thank you for your time.
See all of the white PCI slots? Right above them is the brownish AGP slot. That is what it looks like so go check and see if you have one-\/ \/ \/ \/ \/



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