Tips for eggs?

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Hello! Do any of you have any cool tips or methods to making sunny side up/over easy eggs?? Is there some type of neat gizmo that will just make them for me? Besides me mom that You see I love eating eggs but they always freakin break on me!! All the time its scrambled eggs cause I break the ******* yolk. I dispise scrambled eggs..anybody?any takers?
Nice dude.............3 threads.

But yeah, you need a little grease in the pan, make sure it gets hot so when you put the egg in the grease will basically cook it immediately and it'll hold it's shape. Then use a spachula to splash some grease ontop of the yolk and it'll form a nice skin.

I like to then flip it over, but then that no longer makes it sunny side up.
Sorry about the 3 threads I have no idea why is posted 3 of them?lol..admin you can close the other 2..sorry :(

See I do that but they still break! What am I doing wrong ole wise Nubius?
how can u not do em? i do em easy. just put em in and serve em wen the white is set (kinda)..
BTW the best sandwitch in the world is:
White Bread (im racist jks)
Sunny Side up Egg(brake it when its on the bread)
Bacon Rashes (as many as possible)
Lots of BBQ sauce

i cant tell you how good this sandwitch is, like the suace mixes with the yolk and like..its just orgasmic.
Win2kpatcher said:
Hello! Do any of you have any cool tips or methods to making sunny side up/over easy eggs?? Is there some type of neat gizmo that will just make them for me? Besides me mom that You see I love eating eggs but they always freakin break on me!! All the time its scrambled eggs cause I break the ******* yolk. I dispise scrambled eggs..anybody?any takers?

This can be frustrating, indeed. Here's a hint though that may help. When you first plop the egg in the pan, take another pan and place it overtop the one the egg is in. Often the yolk breaks because it's not firm enough yet and then people mess with them...causing the break. So, next time, place a pan over-top the first one. This will direct heat back downward on top of the egg causing the yolk and top portion to firm quickly. Ever since I started doing this, I never had a problem.
Put about an inch of oil in the pan, add the eggs while the oil is cold. Then put it on the heat and the eggs will float in the oil rather than sticking to the bottom of the pan. Then when the oil is hot splash some of the hot oil over the yolk (not too much or the yolk will start to cook) and this seals the "skin" over the yolk so when you take them out they don't split. When you take the eggs out place them on some kitchen towel and use another piece to drop on top of the egg to soak any access grease. If you like greasy eggs leave the last bit out.
I worked for a few weeks in a friend of mine's diner. He just opened up and was short handed for the first month. I learned how to cook very, very quickly. And I must say, the great's thing in the world for eggs it a flattop stove, lot's of grease. Eventually the flattop get's what chefs refer to as seasoned. Which is usually frying bacon on it it in the morning cleaning it with only a few wipes of a towel. Once the flattop is hot enough and seasoned, you really can't screw up anything.

I'll never work in a diner again... that job sucked.
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