T-F Community Sig Part II - READ THE RULES (WARNING, 56kers - Lots of images)

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bah, we should already have our names in anyway:
Xula said:
Why not start as JPG? Because it might start a trend...and you say PNG is best, yet you do JPG...just contradicting yourself is all...no real reason!

Contradicting myself? No.

It's simple really, and this shouldn't even be a argument, but I'll enlighten you for your own sake.

I'm the maker of the sig. I have the original *.PNG file which has no quality loss as it's the original, and I exported it as a *.JPG. There is very little quality loss when I exported it. When someone edits it, and they save it as another *.JPG then the quality goes down as it will keep trying to compress the image. I compressed the image a little bit by first posting it in *.JPG format. I made the file size smaller, saved bandwidth, saved space on my server, and made it so that it loads quicker for everyone else. However, when someone edits the image and saves it as a *.PNG it compresses the image only a little bit, and therefore keeps the image quality high. There's no problem with starting out with a *.PNG, and if someone has trouble reading the rules, and saves it as a *.JPG because they saw that that's what I saved mine as then that's their own ignorance showing. If you have a problem with that then don't put your name on it.

I don't appreciate people accusing me of something that I didn't do. If you don't understand how it works then go learn how it works, and then make accusations. Don't jump to conclusions. It's annoying, baka.

The bottom line is, it would have been EASIER for me if I would've just posted it as a *.PNG, but I DO have my reasons for posting it as a *.JPG. I think I said enough 3 paragraphs ago.

Don't forget to check it out while adding your name!
sry apok.. my comp is being gay lately.. i think my psu is dying or something so it keeps restarting :(.. ill have it up in about a min
Nubius said:
oh yeah, this ones going even smoother than before

Don't remind me.

Also, I don't care what happens...DON'T SKIP PEOPLE unless I say otherwise, or else there will be even more confusion.

Edit: We're currently using this one. Sorry to those of you who got skipped.

ok screw it.. dial up takes to long.. if someone would be kind enough to throw in Static_11 in there in black please do so
not that hard.. what IS hard is trying to keep up with everyone adding new names when you say check out and im stuck with a 19.2 kbps connection so it would take me atleast 20 mins to get it up and people would be mad and blah blah blah
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