T-F Community Sig Part II - READ THE RULES (WARNING, 56kers - Lots of images)

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P.P. Mguire said:
So then he should take the responsibilty of A) putting up a good link or B) stop whining about it and put his name back on there.

I'm not whining... I'll go with B if I have time

also, can someone recomend a good image hosteing site... (photobucket only allows 250kb)
I am sorry Fire Fox it was a ok eye. Why not make a .swf next time so you can have your eye in a layer all to yourself?

btw, I didn't know photobucket did that..., I usually just make the files smaller before uploading them..

Just making sure that everyone who wanted there name on there got it on there.

Also, I think I'll make a new one once a month....yes...no...maybe?

If I am doing that then I should've made this one thanksgiving related, and I think I'll make December's Christmas related.
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